We welcome all feedback from our customers and although we hope that our customers won’t have cause for complaint we do understand that at times you may wish to contact us to discuss concerns that you may have about our Verify 365.
This policy set out how you can contact us to make a complaint and how we will deal with any complaint you make.
Who we are and how you can contact us
2.1 Verify 365 is operated by Lawtech 365 LTD and you can see details of how to contact us below:
Person responsible for handling complaints: Rudi Kesic
Address: 55 Colmore Road, Birmingham.
Email address: support@verify365.app
Phone number: 0121 274 2312
When to contact us
4.1 A complaint can cover any element of the Verify 365 service that we provide and can also relate to:
- things that our staff have or haven’t done;
- the level of service provided by us or any of our staff;
- the quality of the service or the quality of our product] that we have provided;
- the timing of delivery of the products and/or service that we have provided;
- Any other reason you feel has negatively affected you
4.2 You may want to contact us for other reasons, and this is within your right. Not all complaints are in our control and where your respective issue is in relation to a third party. We will make this clear to you
What information to provide in relation to a complaint
Please provide as much information as possible when making a complaint and in particular:
4.1 Your name, address, telephone number and email address together with details of the method that you would be preferred to be contacted by in discussing your complaint;
4.2 Details of the products and/or services that you are complaining about with details of the issue with as much descriptive evidence as possible.
4.3 If your complaint relates to a particular member of our staff please provide the name or other information to help us identify them;
4.4 Any documentation that relates to your complaint such as invoices, receipts, contracts
4.5 Any further information in relation to your complaint and details of how you would like to see the complaint resolved; and
How we will handle your complaint
5.1 The process that we follow in handling complaints is set out in the table below:
Person responsible | Action | Timescale |
Support Team Member | Acknowledge receipt of complaint | (1 working day) |
Respective Team Lead | Internal investigation | (5 working days) |
Respective Team Lead | Contact customer for further information if required | During the internal investigation or within (3 working days) afterwards |
Respective Team Lead | Contact customer to discuss outcome of the investigation, the proposed resolution and confirm in writing. | Within (3 working days) of the completion of the investigation. |
Customer | Contact us if you do not agree with the resolution to escalate/appeal. | Within (5 working days) of the written confirmation of the outcome of the investigation above. |
Respective Team Lead | Review complaint and contact customer to discuss further. | Within (2 working days) of escalation of a customer complaint. |
Respective Team Lead | Confirm outcome of the review and decision in relation to the complaint/actions to be taken in writing. | Within (5 working days) of contacting customer. |
5.2 Please note that while we will endeavour to resolve your complaint within the timescales indicated above this might not be possible due to the nature or complexity of your complaint or where we are not able to contact you for further information for example. In these circumstances, we will keep you informed of the timescales we are working to.
Confidentiality and data protection.
6.1 We will ensure that all complaints are dealt with confidentially and information you provide will only be shared with individuals that we need to discuss your complaint with during the process outlined at 5 above (and our external complaints organisation outlined at 6 above).
6.2 If we would like to share details of your complaint for any other reason (such as staff training) we will ensure the details shared do not identify you.
6.3 Any personal data that we collect during handling your complaint will held in accordance with the relevant data protection legislation and our privacy policy which can be found on our website.
Policy Updates
This policy was adopted on 01.09.2024. Our Head of Customer Support has overall responsibility for this complaints policy and ensuring that it is regularly reviewed and updated if necessary.