Advanced AI Technology and AML Anti-Money Laundering (AML) compliance has been a significant challenge for businesses, particularly law firms. They are required to comply with stringent […]
Australia’s proposed AML/CTF reforms On April 20th, 2023, the Attorney-General of Australia announced public consultation on proposed reforms to the country’s anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing […]
Are you tired of outdated and inefficient AML processes? Look no further than Verify 365, the groundbreaking, fully automated technology platform that takes the hassle out […]
Know Your Business (KYB) is an important due diligence process that can provide valuable insights and advantages for law firms, financial businesses, and property professionals. KYB […]
Sikhs in Law, the largest legal network of Sikh professionals in the UK, officially launched on April 21, 2023, at the Supreme Court. The event was […]
New York, NY – Verify 365, a leading technology company specialising in AML compliance solutions for law firms, has announced the launch of a new PEPs […]
London, 22 April 2023 – In response to the recent UK sanctioning of five Russians over the imprisonment of opposition politician Vladimir Kara-Murza, CEO of Verify […]
Are you ready for a quick and exciting summary of the regulatory landscape for law firms in Australia? Law firms in Australia are subject to Anti-Money […]
The Law Society of Scotland launches review of AML compliance in Scottish law firms Verify 365 Digital Onboarding Technology, a leading provider of anti-money laundering (AML) […]