Third Party Products and Terms

Third Party Service Providers

Last Updated: 1 April 2023

Verify 365 collects and processes three categories of data which are defined here:

  1. Consumer Data – Data provided by an individual who has registered as a consumer via the Verify 365 App or Verify 365 Web-portal, and set up a Verify 365 Consumer Account.
  1. Verify 365 Client Data – Data provided by a client of Verify 365 which has purchased Verify 365 Services. This will be a lawyer, agent, broker or other professional.
  1. Enquiries Data – Data provided via support queries, demo requests or other enquiries. 

Verify 365 limits the data that is shared with Third Party Service Providers to ensure only the data that is required is shared with each third party. 

Below we list the Data Providers and Technical Service Providers we use and which categories of data we share with each. 

The list below is not exhaustive and may change from time to time.


Data Providers

Third PartyConsumer DataVerify 365 Client DataEnquiries DataPurpose of data processing
Nordigen Solutions

Service: Open Banking

Number: 40103982535


pastedGraphic.pngTo provide Verify 365 Services
IVXS UK Ltd trading as Comply Advantage

Service: PEPs and Sanctions checks

Number: 08964733


pastedGraphic.pngTo provide Verify 365 Services
Syncfusion, Inc. t/a BoldSign

Service: eSignatures

United States

pastedGraphic.pngTo provide Verify 365 Services
Stripe Payments UK Ltd 

Service: ePayments

Number: 08480771


pastedGraphic.pngTo provide Verify 365 Services
GoCardless S.A.S

Service: Open Banking

Number: 834422180


pastedGraphic.pngTo provide Verify 365 Services
Simunix Limited t/a T2A 

Service: Address Verification

Number: 03684982


pastedGraphic.pngTo provide Verify 365 Services


Technical Service Providers

Third PartyConsumer DataVerify 365 Client DataEnquiries DataPurpose of data processing
GoCardless LtdpastedGraphic.pngDirect debits
PipedrivepastedGraphic.pngpastedGraphic.pngSales CRM
IntercompastedGraphic.pngpastedGraphic.pngInstant chat
TwilliopastedGraphic.pngpastedGraphic.pngSMS texts






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