Did you know Verify 365 is an Approved Supplier of The Law Society of Scotland?
Our status as an approved supplier means that our innovative AML, KYC, & Client onboarding platform is fully compliant with the guidelines of the Law Society of Scotland and can support legal firms across Scotland to streamline their processes, enhance due diligence and ensure they are practising compliantly within the regulatory guidelines.
Verify 365, our proprietary client onboarding platform is UK-owned and hosted and enables law firms to mitigate AML risk and prevent fraud while also completing fast, effective verification checks. Our advanced biometric and NFC technology uses facial recognition and liveness scanning to identify an individual’s identity, all within a few minutes.
Speaking about the news, Verify 365 CEO Rudi Kesic said, “I am thrilled that Verify 365 is an approved supplier of the Law Society of Scotland, and it’s meant that we’ve been able to showcase our innovative, proprietary technology to law firms across Scotland, ensuring that Scottish firms can have complete faith in the value of our technology”.
Rewinding to when we first became an approved supplier, The Law Society of Scotland’s Business Development Manager, Jack Rowberry, commented, “We are pleased to welcome Verify 365 to our Member Benefits Programme as an Approved Supplier for AML and KYC client onboarding technology. By partnering with Verify 365, law firms can streamline processes, enhance due diligence protocols, and simplify fraud challenges. We look forward to a long-term collaboration with the Verify 365 team as part of the ever-growing Legal Tech Community”.
It’s a privilege to be an approved supplier of The Law Society of Scotland, and we can’t wait to continue the next phase of our growth and ensure law firms across Scotland can access effective, compliant technology.